How do I take a dashboard snapshot?

Just set up your dashboard, and hit the "Share" button!

Creating a dashboard snapshot seriously couldn't be easier.

  • Go to your dashboard.
  • Configure it how you like — click on the "Week" to switch to month, year or lifetime view, and use the navigation buttons and calendar to set your desired period.
  • Click the "Share This Dashboard" button.

That's pretty much it! The first time you do this, you will be prompted to enter in your name. Feel free to set this to anything — your first name, your twitter handle, your name on DraftKings/Fanduel, your forum handle, whatever. It's just a way for your friends and followers to know that the dashboard they're looking at is really yours.

Aaaand... you're done! You'll now be taken to your dashboard snapshot. You'll notice that things look pretty much the same, except with a new title, which you can edit.


The page you are now on is a private (as in, not guessable) URL, but anybody who know's about it can view it. So it's now up to you whether you want to share it around.

There are handy buttons to share on Twitter and Facebook, you can copy the link and send it to a buddy over Skype or email, you can get it tattooed to your forehead, or you can do nothing and just have it as your own private page.

Just keep in mind that anyone you send it to could pass it on or make it public themselves, and if the link is posted publicly then search engines and other web spiders could index the page. See this FAQ for more.

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